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Making Baseball Fun Again Across the Country

Making Baseball Fun Again Across the Country

Connections. I can't think of a better word to describe what BreakingT is all about. Every great story has a "moment": whether we're commemorating an epic sports play or memorializing the latest pop culture phenomena, we love creating instant nostalgia by connecting people to the moments they care about.

These magic moments also happen in customer service. Getting to the heart of why a customer has purchased a particular shirt from us is one of the best parts of my job. OK, I'll admit - I'm also just really nosey . . . but really, it's an awesome privilege to get to know our customers better through their stories.

Sometimes the connection is obvious - other times, the motivations behind a purchase come in the most wonderful and unexpected places. Of course, I have the pleasure of hearing these "customer connections" all the time (seriously, it makes my day!), but for the rest of you not manning our customer service desk, we wanted to share some of our favorite stories with you. Every few months, we'll feature a new Customer Connection post on our blog - we hope you enjoy!

(photo courtesy of USA Today)

"Thanks BreakingT for putting Bryce Harper’s words on a t-shirt, because for some of us baseball has always been fun. It’s always been that one thing I shared with my son that was just between us: going to his Little League games, following the minor league Potomac Cannons (long before they were the Potomac Nationals) and finally - when major league baseball returned to DC - going to see OUR Washington Nationals (first at good old RFK, in the bouncy seats, and then in the gleaming new Nationals Park).

Now I live in Colorado, and after graduating college last year our son lives in Kentucky, so we don’t get to go to ball games together anymore. But you gave me the perfect birthday gift for him this year with a “Make Baseball Fun Again” t-shirt (and one for me, of course!), so at least we have those shirts to share and wear when we go to games in our respective states.

Oh and by the way, you guys have most excellent customer service. I ordered the wrong sizes and you made the process of returning them and exchanging them for the correct ones totally painless. You say on your site that 'we want all of our customers to have a great buying experience on our website, with reliable service and a personal touch.' You succeeded."

Share your story with us - we'd love to hear from you! Drop us a line at

Until next time!

Customer Experience Manager

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