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Forbes feature's Breaking T's 'Philly Dogs' Shirt, Calls It A 'Marketing Touchdown'

Forbes feature's Breaking T's 'Philly Dogs' Shirt, Calls It A 'Marketing Touchdown'

We don't share every bit of press that BreakingT gets, but this piece from Forbes earlier this week was especially nice. It showcases our "Philly Dogs" shirt, which "quickly became a marketing touchdown.

A quick excerpt:

"A full day before the Eagles were established by Las Vegas bookmakers as home underdogs in the playoffs for the second straight week, a company called BreakingT had been handed an excellent idea for a T-shirt by Lane Johnson and Chris Long.

Following the Eagles’ 15-10 playoff victory over the Falcons, Johnson and Long pulled on rubber German Shepherd masks, poking fun at the bookmakers who made the Eagles 2½-point underdogs -- and especially at those people who thought they would lose.

It was the first time since the NFL playoff system expanded to 12 teams in 1990 that a No. 1 seed in either conference was expected to lose their first playoff game. But the Eagles won, and BreakingT president Jamie Mottram and his crew were ready to pounce."

Follow the link above to read the full story. And while we're here, check out the 2018 media predictions piece that Mottram penned for NiemanLab last month.

Thanks to Forbes and NiemanLab for spreading the news about BreakingT!

Update: Promo Marketing Magazine also wrote about how BreakingT is turning "micro-moments into t-shirt gold." Thanks!

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