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Welcome to the +1 Effect

An initiative started by Oakland A's second baseman Tony Kemp to have real conversations about race.

The +1 Effect Story

Frustrated with the events unfolding in America in Summer 2020, Kemp took to social media and offered honest conversation about race with anyone who wanted to have it.

Fans and followers quickly started filling up Kemp's direct message inbox with requests to talk. Kemp's hope is that the conversations will have a "+1 Effect," with the new perspective kicking off a domino effect to the next person, then another, and so on.

The message resonated. News outlets covered his story. Kemp's network of MLB players reached out asking how to help.

In 2021, Kemp wants to evolve the conversations and is partnering with several charitable organizations to keep the movement going.

Benefitting The

Creating an inclusive culture within baseball and the community, where differences are leveraged to elevate racial equality and provide greater opportunities for the Black community, both in our game and the places we live in, play in, and care about most.

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