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BreakingT and USWNTPA Gear Up for Big Sales Ahead of World Cup

BreakingT and USWNTPA Gear Up for Big Sales Ahead of World Cup

In partnership with the USWNT Players Association, BreakingT has released a new collection of player product to celebrate the announcement of the 2023 US Women's National Team World Cup Roster.


Minutes after the roster was announced, BreakingT released the "Drive for Five" roster shirt. The next day, name and number shirts became available for all 23 players who will represent the USA.

The collection also features new products celebrating the team as a whole and its biggest stars. Additionally, BreakingT is ready to capture the biggest moments from Australia and New Zealand as they unfold in real-time. Stay tuned!


Shop the full collection here.

 Woman on left wearing grey shirt that says "LFG USA", man in middle wearing navy shirt with white crest, and girl on right is wearing glasses and a white shirt that says "USA" with a drawing of Megan Rapinoe.Woman on left wearing a white US Soccer hat and navy shirt that says "feminist". Woman on right wearing a navy shirt that says "I believe that we did win". They are inside a soccer stadium.

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