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How the Canes Seized Their Big Viral Moment (And You Can, Too)

How the Canes Seized Their Big Viral Moment (And You Can, Too)

BreakingT exists to capture and create excitement around trending sports moments, and that's what's happening right now with the Carolina Hurricanes. 

The "Bunch of Jerks" T-shirt we made together has reached Stanley Cup championship-level sales and been featured by ESPNUSA Today. How?

It's all thanks to a big moment, a hot design and a series of savvy moves by the Canes. Let's go to the timeline:

Saturday, 2/16
Don Cherry goes on "Hockey Night in Canada" and calls the Canes a bunch of jerks. BreakingT's social tracking flags the moment, as does the Canes' marketing team.

Sunday, 2/17
BreakingT creates 10 different "Jerks" designs for the Canes to choose from. They pick one and post it on social, announcing it'll be available at the arena before selling it online later in the day. The shirt takes off and is featured by media.


Tuesday, 2/19
For the Canes' next home game, the players model the shirts and the team store opens with tables full of "Jerks" tees. 

Sunday, 2/24
The Canes announce they've sold over 5,300 shirts in 49 states and 11 countries. Over the next couple days, the Canes will project the Jerks design onto the ice and create mobile wallpaper as well.



We're grateful to the Canes for seeing and seizing this opportunity with us. That starts beforehand by working on the smaller moments and being prepared when the big one hits.

If you're in charge or retail or marketing for a team, agency, fan shop, etc., please email me and I'll tell you more about how we work with 25 pro teams across sports to celebrate and amplify their trending moments.

With the NBA and NHL Playoffs just ahead and the MLB and WNBA regular seasons ready to start, now is a good time to be prepped the big one. We're ready for it.

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