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Tony Kemp And The '+1 Effect': MLB Player Aims To 'Be The Change'

Tony Kemp And The '+1 Effect': MLB Player Aims To 'Be The Change'

We're proud to announce that BreakingT is partnering with Oakland A's second baseman Tony Kemp on a new T-shirt design. It's called The +1 Effect.

Frustrated with the current events unfolding in America, Kemp recently took to social media and offered honest conversation about race with anyone who wanted to have it. 

Fans and followers quickly started filling up Kemp's direct message inbox with requests to talk. Kemp's hope is that the conversations will have a "+1 Effect," with the new perspective domino'ing to the next person, then another, and so on.

The message is already taking hold. NBC Sports Bay Area wrote a story about the movement. And Kemp says a network of MLB players have reached out and asked how they can help.  

As part of BreakingT's monthlong action program, sales from the shirt will benefit Campaign Zero's effort to end police violence.

Kemp and BreakingT worked together previously on "Hugs For Homers" to benefit urban youth.

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